Our university has implemented the Tec21 educational model, based on four fundamental pillars: Challenge-Based Learning (CBL), flexibility, inspiring trained faculty, and a memorable educational experience. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of CBL implementation experiences at the beginning of undergraduate engineering programs using technological innovations such as 3D printing, DC motors, and microcontrollers. Three challenges were designed: Rube Goldberg, Cable Car, and Mini Drag Race. The challenges were implemented during at least two years where over 1,000 engineering freshmen took part. The challenges were evaluated by quantitative and qualitative methods. Overall, students enjoyed the learning experiences, learnt new technologies, and developed disciplinary and transversal competencies. Students were also more engaged and motivated to pursue their engineering academic program. These strategies challenged the students with the basic characteristics of the new Tec21 educational model. Finally, faculty involved in the implementation of these challenges expressed they required to get out of their comfort zone, learn new technologies, and change their traditional role to become a coach.