Trial consultation is a form of applied forensic psychology that is most easily distinguished from the work of the testifying expert when one focuses on the identities of target audiences. Whereas expert witnesses conduct, report on, and testify about the results of evaluations for the benefit of judges and juries, trial consultants educate lawyers about how to win cases. In support of—but never usurping—counsel’s advocacy role, trial consultants investigate and explain the testifying expert’s credentials, publications, reports, prior testimony, and more. The trial consultant’s activities remain subject to mandatory ethical codes and advisory professional guidelines. Such sources help to ensure that that the trial consultant’s contributions remain far more than a mere extension of counsel’s adversarial approach. The trial consultant’s acknowledged and assiduously promoted ambition is to investigate diligently, report accurately, and advise appropriately, with an eye toward eliminating surprises and supporting the efficacy of ethically grounded advocacy.