The type IIB supergravity AdS 3 × S 3 × T 4 background with mixed RR and NSNS 3-form fluxes is a near-horizon limit of a non-threshold bound state of D5-D1 and NS5-NS1 branes. The corresponding superstring world-sheet theory is expected to be integrable, opening the possibility of computing its exact spectrum for any values of the coefficient q of the NSNS flux and the string tension. In arXiv:1303.1447 we have found the treelevel S-matrix for the massive BMN excitations in this theory, which turned out to have a simple dependence on q. Here, by analyzing the constraints of symmetry and integrability, we propose an exact massive-sector dispersion relation and the exact S-matrix for this world-sheet theory. The S-matrix generalizes its recent construction in the q = 0 case in arXiv:1303.5995.