| Mechanical ileus as the major cause of intestinal obstruction in cattle can arise from usual cases including complicated hernia, volvulus and intussusception. Our previous study reported some unusual cases causing ileus such as diaphragmatic hernia and internal localized abscessation in bovines. The purpose of this study was to define the diagnostic features and to show the representative images of other uncommon cases of mechanical ileus caused by omentum disorders in cattle. One-hundred-sixty-five cattle were referred to Veterinary Clinic of Zagazig University with abdominal distension and signs of ileus for clinical and abdominal ultrasound examinations. The anatomical and necropsy examinations were additionally involved in this study. Herein, we present uncommon cases of omentumderived mechanical ileus in cattle. Among 165 total cases, ten cases (~6.1%) were identified as omentum disorders. More interestingly, as shown by the animal records, these ten animals underwent right omentopexy operation for correction of left displaced abomasum (LDA), 25±5 days pre-admission to the clinic. The following cases were reported: omental hernia (OH; 3 out of 10), omental fat necrosis (OFN; 2 out of 10) and omental bursitis (OB; 5 out 10). The observed necropsy findings confirmed the tentative diagnosis that was reached upon the ultrasonographic data. Based on the data presented here, omental affections should be involved during examination of cattle with mechanical ileus secondary to LDA surgical corrections.