In this paper, which constitutes the first part of the series, we consider calculation of two-center Coulomb and hybrid integrals over Slater-type orbitals. General formulas for these integrals are derived with no restrictions on the values of the quantum numbers and nonlinear parameters. Direct integration over the coordinates of one of the electrons leaves us with the set of overlaplike integrals which are evaluated by using two distinct methods. The first one is based on the transformation to the ellipsoidal coordinates system and the second utilizes a recursive scheme for consecutive increase of the angular momenta in the integrand. In both methods simple one-dimensional numerical integrations are used in order to avoid severe digital erosion connected with the straightforward use of the alternative analytical formulas. It is discussed that the numerical integration does not introduce a large computational overhead since the integrands are well-behaved functions, calculated recursively with decent speed. Special attention is paid to the numerical stability of the algorithms. Applicability of the resulting scheme over a large range of the nonlinear parameters is tested on examples of the most difficult integrals appearing in the actual calculations including, at most, 7i-type functions (l=6).