The major challenge of "protein complexomics" is to separate intact protein complexes or interactional proteins without dissociation or denaturation from complex biological samples and to characterize structural subunits of protein complexes. To address these issues, we developed a novel approach termed "broad-spectrum fourdimensional orthogonal electrophoresis (BS4-DE) system," which is composed of a nondenaturing part I and denaturing part II. Here we developed a mild acidic-native-PAGE to constitute part I, together with native-thinlayer-IEF and basic-native-PAGE, widening the range of BS4-DE system application for extremely basic proteins with the range of pI from about 8 to 11 (there are obviously 1000 kinds of proteins in this interval), and also speculated on the mechanism of separating. We first proposed ammonium hydroxide-ultrasonic protein extractive strategy as a seamless connection between part I and part II, and also speculated on the extractive mechanism. More than 4000 protein complexes could be theoretically solved by this system. Using this approach, we focus on blood rich in protein complexes which make it challenging to sera/ plasma proteome study. Our results indicated that the BS4-DE system could be applied to blood protein complexomics investigation, providing a comprehensively feasible approach for disease proteomics. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11: 10.1074/mcp.M111.012450, 786 -799, 2012.In the postgenomic era, protein complexomics highlights its prominent role in proteomics. Characterization of biologically important protein complexes can provide an integrative view of the protein-protein interactive networks that reveal protein function and biological behavior. Despite enormous progresses in two-step affinity purification (1), comprehensive two-hybrid (2, 3), high-throughput yeast two-hybrid (4, 5), co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) (6), and high-throughput coaffinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (MS) (7) for separating and characterizing protein complexes, the multistep process is liable to lead to the dissociation and even denaturation of protein complexes. Convenient approaches that could be used for direct study of protein complexes are, as yet, lacking.Various forms of mild electrophoresis have for some time been the best tools for directly analyzing protein complexes, such as the charge shift techniques: blue native electrophoresis (BNE) 1 (8) and high resolution clear native electrophoresis (hrCNE) (9), offering clear advantages for hydrophobic protein complex analyses, especially for membrane protein complexes. However, BNE is not suitable for detergent-labile assemblies' analyses and in-gel catalytic activity assays because of the use of anionic detergents and Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) dye. Also, hrCNE has been proven successful in some but not in all aspects (9). Clear native electrophoresis (CNE) (10), in contrast, has only recently been recognized as a valuable and milder technique to isolate and functionally investigate multiprotein complexes (11,12). Ho...