This is a sequel to our paper [24], in which we investigated the geometry of 4-dimensional gradient shrinking Ricci solitons with half positive (nonnegative) isotropic curvature. In this paper, we mainly focus on 4-dimensional gradient steady Ricci solitons with nonnegative isotropic curvature (WPIC) or half nonnegative isotropic curvature (half WPIC). In particular, for 4D complete ancient solutions with WPIC, we are able to prove the nonnegativity of the Ricci curvature Rc ≥ 0 and bound the curvature tensor Rm by |Rm| ≤ R. For 4D gradient steady solitons with WPIC, we obtain a classification result. We also give a partial classification of 4D gradient steady Ricci solitons with half WPIC. Moreover, we obtain a preliminary classification result for 4D complete gradient expanding Ricci solitons with WPIC. Finally, motivated by the recent work [60], we improve our earlier results in [24] on 4D gradient shrinking Ricci solitons with half PIC or half WPIC, and also provide a characterization of complete gradient Kähler-Ricci shrinkers in complex dimension two among 4-dimensional gradient Ricci shrinkers.