A short review of all available results (perturbative, nonperturbative, and exact) on d-dimensional spin models is presented in order to introduce the discussion of their 1/N expansion at d = 2, where the models are asymptotically free.A general two-dimensional spin model with U(N ) invariance, interpolating between CP N −1 and O(2N ) models, is studied in detail in order to illustrate both the general features of the 1/N expansion on the lattice and the specific techniques devised to extract scaling (field-theoretical) behavior. The continuum version of the model is carefully analyzed deriving quantitative O(1/N ) physical predictions in order to establish a benchmark for lattice computations.The 1/N expansion on the lattice, including second-nearest-neighbor interactions, is set up by constructing explicitly effective propagators and vertices, and exhibiting a number of exact results and integral representations that allow a substantial reduction of the numerical effort. The technique of asymptotic expansion of the lattice propagators, basic to the derivation of analytical results in the scaling domain, is presented in full detail and applied to the model. Physical quantities, like the free energy and different definitions of correlation length, are evaluated.The lattice renormalization-group trajectories are identified and universality among different lattice (and continuum) schemes in the scaling region is explicitly proven. As a byproduct, representations of the O(1/N ) contribution to the Λ-parameter ratios and to the lattice β functions are obtained.A review of other developments based on the lattice 1/N expansion (finite size scaling, higher orders, fermionic models) is presented.