In this article, we produce infinite families of 4-manifolds with positive first betti numbers and meeting certain conditions on their homotopy and smooth types so as to conclude the non-vanishing of the stable cohomotopy Seiberg-Witten invariants of their connected sums. Elementary building blocks used in [35] are shown to be included in our general construction scheme as well. We then use these families to construct the first examples of families of closed smooth 4-manifolds for which Gromov's simplicial volume is nontrivial, Perelman'sλ invariant is negative, and the relevant Gromov-Hitchin-Thorpe type inequality is satisfied, yet no non-singular solution to the normalized Ricci flow for any initial metric can be obtained. In [16], Fang, Zhang and Zhang conjectured that the existence of any non-singular solution to the normalized Ricci flow on smooth 4-manifolds with non-trivial Gromov's simplicial volume and negative Perelman'sλ invariant implies the Gromov-Hitchin-Thorpe type inequality. Our results in particular imply that the converse of this fails to be true for vast families of 4-manifolds.