In this report we present a method
to incorporate applied catalysis
research into the multiyear educational undergraduate program of Chemical
Engineering at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (UAS).
In this way the total student population is introduced to research
and thereby contributes to the scientific output of the department,
and more students can potentially be encouraged to follow a research
career. We discuss the challenges of performing high-level research
at a UAS in comparison to dedicated research universities and possible
opportunities to make high-level applied research work. The time available
to conduct research is a challenge. However, by introducing the research
into educational programs the issue of time can be relieved. From
our experience, the key factor to gain high-level scientific research
output is to let well trained research-lecturers work closely with
students in scaffolded projects as has been shown by the publication
of several papers in peer reviewed scientific international journals.
We also highlight two research projects on carbohydrate catalysis
for the production of high-value chemicals and improving the efficiency
of selective catalytic reduction systems.