Ocular trauma is an important public health hazard. A study done at a teaching referral hospital in Haldwani revealed 14.54% of blindness to be attributed to trauma alone. The objective of the study was to determine the pattern of ocular trauma among patients presenting in Dr. Sushila Tiwari Government Hospital, Haldwani. A 1 year retrospective review of records of 165 patients with ocular trauma seen from 1 st Feb 2011 to 31 st Jan 2012 was done using a structured format. Association between variables were checked by Chi square test and significance was considered when p<0.05. Ocular trauma accounted for s165 (1.03%) of the 15, 970 ocular patients seen at OPD and Emergency in the aforementioned 1 year period. Of the studied 165 cases, 93 patients were below 30 years of age. M: F ratio was 10:1.21(12.7%) patients presented to hospital within 2-7 days of injury. Duration of presentation has significant association with the presence of infection & other complication (p<0.05). The cause of injury were road traffic accidents, sports playing & recreational activities and occupational in 54(32.7%), 42(25.5%) and 33(20%) respectively. Closed globe injuries accounted for 54(32.7%) and open globe for 75(45.4%) and adnexal injuries constituted 36(21.8%). Delay in presentation was associated with complications.