“…Several studies have shown that day-hospital and outpatient specialist approaches based on mentalization-based treatment (Bateman & Fonagy, 2009; Gullestad et al, 2012; Laurenssen et al, 2018), transference-focused psychotherapy (Clarkin, Levy, Lenzenweger, & Kernberg, 2007; Doering et al, 2010), a modified form of cognitive–behavioral therapy (DeCou, Comtois, & Landes, 2019; McMain, Guimond, Streiner, Cardish, & Links, 2012; Mehlum et al, 2016; Neacsiu, Bohus, & Linehan, 2014), schema-focused therapy (Sempértegui, Karreman, Arntz, & Bekker, 2013), and community-based psychosocial (CBP) treatment (Chiesa, Cirasola, & Fonagy, 2017; Chiesa, Fonagy, & Gordon, 2009) are promising treatment approaches in improving a number of clinical outcomes in a range of PDs. However, a recent meta-analysis (Cristea et al, 2017) of 33 randomized controlled trials found small to moderate differences in effectiveness between specialized psychotherapy and nonspecialized treatment in improving PD outcomes.…”