ABSTRACT. The harmonic analysis of the Grassmannian bundle of fc-dimensional affine subspaces of Rn, as a homogeneous space of the Euclidean motion group, is given explicitly. This is used to obtain the diagonalization of various generalizations of the Radon transform between such bundles. In abstract form, the same technique gives the Plancherel formula for any unitary representation of a semidirect product G x V (V a normal abelian subgroup) induced from an irreducible unitary representation of a subgroup of the form HxW.
Introduction.Let Gn,fc denote the Grassmannian manifold of linear fc-dimensional subspaces of Rn, and let Pn>k denote the Grassmannian bundle of affine kdimensional subspaces (also called k-planes), so Pn,k is a bundle over Gn¡k with fibre dimension m, where m + k = n. In group-theoretic terms, Gn,k = G/H, where