INTRODUCTONThe possibility of elastic properties measurements on a microscopic scale for the materials and structures nondestructively is one of the advantages of the scanning acoustic microscopy. This type of investigation is based mainly on the V(z) method. In this method, the output radio signal of an acoustic transducer is measured as a function of the sample displacement along the lens axis.The shape of the V(z) curves depend on the acoustical properties of the investigated surface. It is possible to measure the velocity and attenuation of surface acoustic wave (SAW) by the analysis of the period and shape of the specific dips in the negative z region of V(z) [I]. This technique utilizes only the magnitude of V(z) data produced by the rectification of the reflected tone burst signals.At the same time complex reflectance R(O) of the specimen interface, as a function of the angle a between the direction of an incidenc~ plane wave and the normal to the interface surface, contains more information about acoustical parameters. As was shown [2] reflectance function R(O) can be obtained by inverse Fourier transformation of the complex V(z). To realize this powerful technique, it is necessary to measure both amplitude and phase of the V(z) function. Generally, it is not trivial to measure the phase of high-frequency tone burst signals with accuracy, so a special complicated precision phase measurement system was designed [3].Another approach to obtain both amplitude and phase information, is based on the use of a Continuous Wave Reflection SCanning Acoustic Microscope [4,5]. In this device, the Continuous Wave V(z) curve is defmed as