Fournier's Gangrene is a rare condition marked by fluminent polymicrobial necrotising fascitis which involves scrotum and penis, or both with occasional extensions upto the an abdominal wall. Pre disposing factors includes Diabetes mellitus,Immuno compromised patients, Alcoholism, Tobacco, Chemotherapy, Radiography etc. Fournier's Gangrene occurs at any age and it effects mostly in men but also effects women too. We present a case of Fournier's Gangrene -A 40 years old male patient was admitted in emergency department with the complaints of pain over the Testicular region, Itching, Ulcerative over the scrotal region with foul smell & pus discharge and fever. This symptoms have started five day prior to the presentation but symptoms are rapidly progressive in nature since 24 hours of admission. His past medical history reveals that he has Diabetes mellitus type-1 and on medication. He had undergone surgery of hydrocelectomy one month back.The management steps Includes Resustation , Broad spectrum Antibiotics, Surgical debredment and skin grafting. As the patient is known diabetes the chances of infection is more. So early presentation, diagnosis and treatment plays a major role in preventing further complications. In order to do this, we have to provide awareness about the disease among the people.