Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) are versatile devices that can be programmed to implement various digital circuits, including communication protocols like Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). The Serial peripheral interface protocol is a synchronous serial communication interface that allows for full duplex communication between a master device and a multiple slave MOSI, MISO, SCLK, and SS. MOSI and MISO are data lines, while SCLK is the clock signal generated by the master to synchronize transfers. SS is used by the master to select individual slave devices. By implementing the SPI protocol in FPGA, to gain flexibility and customization, as FPGAs can be reprogrammed for different applications without the need for dedicated hardware changes. The FPGA implementation of the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) protocol involves a structured methodology. With the help of pipeline buffer and DAM technique power dissipation is performed effectively. Finally, integrate the FPGA SPI module into the larger system, ensuring seamless communication with other components or microcontrollers. This systematic approach ensures a reliable and tailored FPGA based SPI implementation.