ABSTRACT:The term Monitoring system also called data logger is commonly used to describe a self-contained, standalone data acquisition system or device that automatically records, scans and retrieves the data with high speed and greater efficiency during a test or measurement. In this paper, 3 interconnected microcontrollers PIC18F4620, PIC18F262 and PIC16F876A using SPI and UART serial communications has been used. The Program is developed using C programming in MPLAB environment and compiled using MPLAB C 18 C Compiler into .hex file before is written into the microcontroller. LM35DZ and K-type thermocouples are selected as temperature sensors, and SD card and 16×2 dot matrix LCD, mobile phone for GSM modem and DS1307 for real time clock chip are interfaced with the 3 microcontrollers accordingly. T h e 4×4 matrix keypad uses 8 bit data lines to interface with the microcontrollers.KEYWORDS: E f f i c i e n c y , M i c r o c o n t r o l l e r , UART, Compiler, Thermocouples, Serial Peripheral Interface,
I.LITERATURE SURVEYThe chart recorders in 19 th century replaced the conventional temperature monitoring system used during early days when people used to record temperature manually and plot graph to analyse the system characteristics. S. J. Perez, M.A. Calva and R.Castaneda described a microcontroller based data logging system to record temperature and relative humidity for acoustic measurement applications. Judy Ritchie discussed a comparison of data loggers. According to Petrens et al (2006), result parameters like response time or temperature variation could be determined with classical monitoring and value sensitive monitoring system which were less efficient and slower in operation. Numerous temperature monitoring systems are available like Dickson SM320 display temperature logger, T &D thermo recording monitoring system, Fluke"s 1523/1224 reference thermometers, Omega Engineering HH306A Data Logger thermometer etc. These systems have to be connected to computer for data collection. But the system proposed here is equipped with SMS alert service system and improved features.
II.INTRODUCTIONThis paper introduces a microcontroller-based multichannel temperature monitoring system [6] which is able to store data in a SD Card [9] and sends a SMS to alert the user the exceeded temperature reading set by the user. A keypad is available so the user can set the temperature limit, insert the channel which going to use and the mobile number to send the alert SMS. An LCD displays the temperature reading, as well as the number that is pressed on keypad.
A.Block Diagram The block diagram comprises of Temperature Sensors, Keypad, Memory Storage card, LCD display, GSM modem, Real Time Clock and Three microcontrollers as shown in figure A below: