The paper deciphers the potential of fractal analysis in unveiling the complex plasma dynamics. The light from copper plasma is focused on the slit of a spectrometer, and the spectral variations across the slit are analysed. The plasma temperature (T ) computed from the spectrum at various spatial points of the slit also exhibits a variation similar to that of power spectral fractal dimension (Dp). The study reveals a strong correlation between T and Dp, reflecting the complex dynamics and the compositional anisotropy in plasma. At the plasma core, where the temperature is the highest, and the matter is in the ionised state, the Dp is high, and the lower temperature regions show a lower Dp value. The fractalysis helps analyse plasma temperature without knowing transition probability and the energy of the upperlevel corresponding to each value of wavelength. Thus, the power spectral fractalysis can be considered a surrogate method for understanding the plasma temperature and the particle dynamics involved.