Over 75,000 permeability measurements were collected from a meter-scale block of Massillon sandstone, characterized by conspicuous cross bedding that forms two distinct nestedscales of heterogeneity. With the aid of a gas minipermeameter, spatially exhaustive fields of permeability data were acquired at each of five different sample supports (i.e., sample volumes) from each block face. These data provide a unique opportunity to physically investigate the relationship between the multi-scale cross-stratified attributes of the sandstone and the corresponding statistical characteristics of the permeability. These data also provide quantitative physical information concerning the permeability upscaling of a complex heterogeneous medium.Here, a portion of the data taken from a single block face cut normal to stratification is analyzed.Results indicate a strong relationship between the calculated summary statistics and the crossstratified structural features visibly evident in the sandstone sample. Specifically, the permeability fields and sernivariograms are characterized by two nested scales of heterogeneity, including a large-scale structure defined by the cross-stratified sets (delineated by distinct bounding surfaces) and a small-scale structure defined by the low-angle cross-stratification within each set. The permeability data also provide clear evidence of upscaling. That is, each calculated summary statistic exhibits distinct and consistent trends with increasing sample support. Among these trends are an increasing mean, decreasing variance, and an increasing sernivariogram range. Results also clearly indicate that the different scales of heterogeneity upscale differently, with the small-scale structure being preferentially filtered from the data whale the Iarge-scale structure is preserved. Finally, the statistical and upscaling characteristics of individual cross-stratified sets were found to be very similar owing to their shared depositional environrnenc however, some differences were noted that are likely the result of minor variations in the sediment load and/or flow conditions between depositional events.
IntroductionGeologic materials are inherently heterogeneous owing to the depositional and diagenetic processes responsible for their formation. These heterogeneities often impose considerable influence on the performance of hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs. Unfortunately, quantitative characterization and integration of reservoir heterogeneity into predictive models is complicated by two challenging problems. First, the quantity of porous media observed and/or sampled is generally a minute faction of the reservoir under investigation. This gives rise to the need for models to predict material characteristics at unsampled locations. The second problem stems from technological constraints that often limit the measurement of material properties to sample supports (sample volumes) much smaller than can be accommodated in current predictive models. This dispm.ityin support requires measured data be averaged o...