Instrumentally recorded tectonic earthquakes The 1897 great Shillong plateau earthquake (M w 8.1) in NE India region is the first instrumentally recorded Indian earthquake that was registered outside India by a few global seismic stations. After this great event, the first Indian seismological observatory was established in Alipore (Kolkata) in 1899 under auspices of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) (Kayal, 2008). Since then the national seismological network is developed; today it consists of some 115 broadband seismic observatories including some cluster-networks in NE India and in different segments of the Himalayas. In addition to these, a cluster of some 21 broadband stations is in operation in Koyna-Warna region and a cluster of some 50 broadband and 50 strong-motion stations is in operation in Gujarat state under the auspices of the Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), a newly established Institute in 2006. With the upgraded national network, earthquakes down to magnitude M w 3.5 are fairly well located, and down to M w 2.0 by the cluster networks. Recently, the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) established the National Centre for