The purpose of the work is to consider possible directions of development of political thought on the example of application of methods of mathematics and philosophy of politics, to reveal widespread system errors.
Methods. The axiomatic approach, the method of proving the opposite, the method of defining paradoxes are used. Based on a critical analysis of the philosophy of consciousness by means of a communicative approach, possible for political science algebraic constructs are formed, which determine not only elements (sets) and operations, but also relations, the problem of identifying and defining systemic errors in certain political ideas, theories.
Scientific novelty lies in the fact that we now consider politics as algebra and divide political objects into ideal objects and real objects. The algebra of politics is a collection of specific political algebras. The difference between these algebras is in the choice of carrier, operations and relationships. The carriers of these algebras are idealized sets of the geosphere, biosphere, technosphere, sociosphere, their intersections and unions, as well as operations specific to politics, such as violence, trust, interest, greed, etc. We regard a real object, including a real state, as a direct product of the ideal and the material (at the atomic level). In this case, the State (S) is a direct product of the ideal political object (constitution, legislation, regulations, etc. — IPO), and the material object (territory, subsoil, population, etc. — MO)
IPO × MO = S.