We study Falconer's subadditive pressure function with emphasis on analyticity. We begin by deriving a simple closed form expression for the pressure in the case of diagonal matrices and, by identifying phase transitions with zeros of Dirichlet polynomials, use this to deduce that the pressure is piecewise real analytic. We then specialise to the iterated function system setting and use a result of Falconer and Miao to extend our results to include the pressure for systems generated by matrices which are simultaneously triangularisable. Our closed form expression for the pressure simplifies a similar expression given by Falconer and Miao by reducing the number of equations needing to be solved by an exponential factor. Finally we present some examples where the pressure has a phase transition at a non-integer value and pose some open questions.Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: primary: 37D35, secondary: 37C45, 37D20.