The purpose of this study is to originally present noise analysis of electrical circuits defined on fractal set.
The fractal integrodifferential equations of resistor-inductor, resistor-capacitor, inductor-capacitor and resistor-inductor-capacitor circuits subjected to zero mean additive white Gaussian noise defined on fractal set have been formulated. The fractal time component has also been considered. The closed form expressions for crucial stochastic parameters of circuit responses have been derived from these equations. Numerical simulations of power spectral densities based on the derived autocorrelation functions have been performed. A comparison with those without fractal time component has been made.
We have found that the Hausdorff dimension of the middle b Cantor set strongly affects the power spectral densities; thus, the average powers of noise induced circuit responses and the inclusion of fractal time component causes significantly different analysis results besides the physical measurability of electrical quantities.
For the first time, the noise analysis of electrical circuit on fractal set has been performed. This is also the very first time that the fractal time component has been included in the fractal calculus-based circuit analysis.