Fractional order differential equations are an efficient tool to model various processes arising in science and engineering. Fractional models adequately reflect subtle internal properties, such as memory or hereditary properties, of complex processes that the classical integer order models neglect. In this chapter we will discuss the theoretical background of fractional modeling, that is the fractional calculus, including recent developments -distributed and variable fractional order differential operators.Fractional order derivatives interpolate integer order derivatives to real (not necessarily fractional) or complex order derivatives. There are different types of fractional derivatives not always equivalent. The first attempt to develop the fractional calculus systematically was taken by Liouville (1832) and Riemann (1847) in the first half of the nineteenth century, even though discussions on non-integer order derivatives had been started long ago. 1 In the 1870s Letnikov and Grünwald independently used an approach for the definition of the fractional order derivative and integral different from that of Riemann and Liouville. The Cauchy problem for fractional order differential equations with the Riemann-Liouville derivative is not well posed (Section 3.3), that is the Cauchy problem in this case is unphysical. In the 1960s Caputo and Djrbashian introduced independently, so-called, a regularization of the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative, which was later named a fractional derivative in the sense of Caputo-Djrbashian (Section 3.5). The usefulness of the Caputo-Djrbashian derivative is that the Cauchy problem for fractional order differential equations with the Caputo-Djrbashian derivative is well posed. In the operators language one can write the latter in the form DJ = I, where I is the identity operator, which means that the operator D is a left inverse to the operator J. One can easily check that D is not a right inverse to J, since, according to the same fundamental theorem of calculus, for any differentiable function f the equality JD f (t) = f (t) − f (0) holds. The similar relations are true by induction for operators D n and J n , where D n = d n dt n , "n-th derivative," and J n is the n-fold integration operator. Namely,andThus D n is the left inverse to J n , and is the right inverse to J n in the class of functions satisfying additional conditions: f (k) (0) = 0, k = 0,..., n − 1. These relations between "differentiation" and "integration" operators valid for n = 1, 2, . . . , form the basis for the definitions of fractional derivatives in the sense of RiemannLiouville and Caputo-Djrbashian, as soon as the fractional order integration operator is defined.
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Fractional order integration operatorIn this section we introduce the fractional order integration operator of order α > 0 (ℜ(α) > 0). One can verify (by changing order of integration) that the n-fold integration operatorTaking into account the relationship Γ (n) = (n − 1)!, whereis the Euler's ...