We study the Sherali-Adams linear programming hierarchy in the context of promise constraint satisfaction problems (PCSPs). We characterise when a level of the hierarchy accepts an instance in terms of a homomorphism problem for an appropriate multilinear structure obtained through a tensor power of the constraint language. The geometry of this structure, which consists in a space of tensors satisfying certain symmetries, allows then to establish non-solvability of the approximate graph colouring problem via constantly many levels of Sherali-Adams.Besides this primary application, our tensorisation construction introduces a new tool to the study of hierarchies of algorithmic relaxations for computational problems within (and, possibly, beyond) the context of constraint satisfaction. In particular, we see it as a key step towards the algebraic characterisation of the power of Sherali-Adams for PCSPs. * The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 714532). The paper reflects only the authors' views and not the views of the ERC or the European Commission. The European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.constant level of the Sherali-Adams linear programming relaxation otherwise [7]. This classification was later extended to problems over arbitrary finite domains by Brandts et al. [28].Another example of a PCSP, identified in [24], is finding a "not-all-equal" assignment to a monotone 3-CNF formula given that a "1-in-3" assignment is promised to exist; i.e., given a 3-CNF formula with positive literals only and the promise that an assignment exists that satisfies exactly one literal in each clause, the task is to find an assignment that satisfies one or two literals in each clause. This problem is solvable in polynomial time via a constant level of the Sherali-Adams linear programming relaxation [24] but not via a reduction to finite-domain CSPs [10].A third example of a PCSP is the well-known approximate graph colouring problem: Given a c-colourable graph, find a d-colouring of it, for c ≤ d. In the decision version, the problem asks to distinguish graphs that are c-colourable from graphs that are not even d-colourable. This corresponds to PCSP(K c , K d ), where K p is the clique on p vertices. Contrary to the two examples above -and despite a long history dating back to 1976 [56] -the complexity of this problem is still unknown in general; it is widely believed that it is NP-hard for any constant values of c and d with 3 ≤ c ≤ d. For c = d, it becomes the classic c-colouring problem, which appeared on Karp's original list of 21 NP-complete problems [65]. The case c = 3, d = 4 was only proved to be NP-hard in 2000 by Khanna, Linial, and Safra [66] (cf. also [59]); more generally, they showed hardness of the case d = c + 2⌊c/3⌋ − 1. This was improved to d = 2c − 2 in 2016 [21], and recently to d = 2c − 1 in [10]. In pa...