In this paper, an analytical theory for the diffraction of a Bessel beam of arbitrary order J l (κr) on a 2D amplitude grating is presented. The diffraction pattern in the main and fractional Talbot planes under certain conditions is a lattice of annular microbeams, the diameters of which depend on the grating period, the illuminating beam diameter, the number of the Talbot plane, and the topological charge l. For the rings near the optical axis, the latter reproduces l of the illuminating beam. Experiments carried out on the Novosibirsk free electron laser at a wavelength λ = 141 µm using gratings with hole diameters of down to d ≈ 2λ, as well as, the numerical simulations, well support the theory. Since the Laguerre-Gaussian beams can be represented as a superposition of Bessel beams, results of this paper can be applied to the analysis of the Talbot effect with the Laguerre-Gaussian beams.