A quantum spin liquid is an exotic quantum state of matter in which spins are highly entangled and remain disordered down to zero temperature. Such a state of matter is potentially relevant to high-temperature superconductivity and quantum-information applications, and experimental identification of a quantum spin liquid state is of fundamental importance for our understanding of quantum matter. Theoretical studies have proposed various quantum-spin-liquid ground states [1][2][3][4] , most of which are characterized by exotic spin excitations with fractional quantum numbers (termed 'spinon'). Here, we report neutron scattering measurements that reveal broad spin excitations covering a wide region of the Brillouin zone in a triangular antiferromagnet YbMgGaO 4 . The observed diffusive spin excitation persists at the lowest measured energy and shows a clear upper excitation edge, which is consistent with the particle-hole excitation of a spinon Fermi surface. Our results therefore point to a QSL state with a spinon Fermi surface in YbMgGaO 4 that has a perfect spin-1/2 triangular lattice as in the original proposal 4 of quantum spin liquids.In 1973, Anderson proposed the pioneering idea of the quantum spin liquid (QSL) in the study of the triangular lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet 4 . This idea was revived after the discovery in 1986 of high-temperature superconductivity 5 . A QSL, as currently understood, does not fit into Landau's conventional paradigm of symmetry breaking phases 1,2,6,7 , and is arXiv:1607.02615v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 31 Jul 2017 2 instead an exotic state of matter characterized by spinon excitations and emergent gauge structures [1][2][3]6 . The search for QSLs in models and materials [8][9][10][11][12] has been partly facilitated by the Oshikawa-Hastings-Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (OHLSM) theorem that may hint at the possibility of QSLs in Mott insulators with odd electron fillings and a global U(1) spin rotational symmetry [13][14][15] .Indeed, a continuum of spin excitations has been observed in a kagome-lattice material ZnCu 3 (OD) 6 Cl 2 (refs 12,16). However, the requirement of the U(1) spin rotational symmetry, prevents the application of OHLSM theorem in strong spin-orbit-coupled (SOC) Mott insulators in which the spin rotational symmetry is completely absent. A recent theory addressed this limitation of the OHLSM theorem, arguing that, as long as time-reversal symmetry is preserved, the ground state of an SOC Mott insulator with odd electron fillings must be exotic 17 .The newly discovered triangular antiferromagnet YbMgGaO 4 (refs 18,19) displays no indication of magnetic ordering or symmetry breaking at temperatures as low as 30 mK despite approximately 4 K for the spin interaction energy scale. Because of the strong SOC of the Yb electrons, YbMgGaO 4 was the first QSL to be proposed beyond the OHLSM theorem 19 . The thirteen 4 f electrons of the Yb 3+ ion form the spin-orbit-entangled Kramers doublets that are split by the D 3d crystal electric fields [20][21][22] . At temperatures co...