During field development, evaluating and integrating various subsurface complexities and flow dynamics enable to generate optimum well placement blueprint. Hydrocarbon sweep efficiency can be enhanced through proper well configuration and layout. The well placement blueprint relies heavily on reservoir modeling to accurately determine well productivity and water encroachment by incorporating the reservoir's unique characteristics. This paper examines various well configurations and layouts that optimize hydrocarbon recovery while taking into consideration various degree of reservoir heterogeneities and uncertainties.
A synthetic dual porosity, dual permeability (DPDP) simulation model is utilized to analyze sweep and water encroachment. Multiple scenarios are developed by including various well configurations and layouts. Vertical, horizontal, and slanted wells are parametrized to evaluate the vertical and areal sweep efficiency. In addition to the well configuration, the role of wells’ spacing and orientation on sweep and well productivity is investigated. Various well landing zone and completion interval are incorporated in the analysis to capture the model's subsurface characteristics.
The DPDP simulation model provides insights on the possible well configurations and layouts to optimize sweep and enhance recovery. In-depth analysis for every scenario was performed to benchmark the impact of parametrizations on sweep efficiency, water breakthrough, and pressure propagation. The developed scenarios demonstrated the effects of well configuration on areal and vertical sweep efficiencies. For instance, slanted wells yield unique sweep signatures compared to vertical wells. Well landing zone and orientation played a major role on the overall recovery where vertical wells that were completed across the top zone can overcome horizontal wells completed in the bottom zone of the reservoir.
This paper reviews a systematic reservoir modeling workflow to optimize well configuration and layout by utilizing a DPDP synthetic model. The approach describes how to optimize hydrocarbon sweep and recovery by incorporating various degrees of subsurface complexities.