A hydraulic fracture stimulation conducted during 1983-84 in nonmarine, deltaic. Mesaverde strata at 7,100 ft [2164 m] was cored in a deviated well in 1990. The observed fracture consists of two fracture intervals, both containing multiple fracture strands (30 and 8, respectively), abundant gel residue on the fracture surfaces, and many other complexities.3.7 x 10 6 psi [25 GPa] and a Poisson's ratio of 0.22. Few natural fractures 42 ,43 were found in the vertical core taken from the paludal interval (numerous fractures were found in the deviated SHCT core), but nearly all natural fractures found at MWX trended nearly east/west, indicating a highly anisotropic permeability system.Stress tests throughout the paludal interval yielded relatively high stress contrasts between the sandstones and the nonreservoir lithologies. 41 ,44 The azimuth of the maximum horizontal stress was found to be about 65° north of west at this depth. 44Zones 3 and 4 were perforated with two 14-g jet shots per foot from 7,120 to 7,144 ft [2170 to 2177 m] in Zone 3 and from 7,076 to 7, 100ft [2157 to 2164 m] in Zone 4. The 96 perforations were then broken down and balled out with 60 bbl [9.5 m 3 ] of 2 % KCI water.Extensive well testing in paludal Zones 3 and 4 gave an effective reservoir permeability of 36 Itd. 40 ,45,46 No interference was observed between wells during a 7-day drawdown at 200 to 250 Mcf/D [5565 to 7080 m 3 /d] or during a 7-day buildup. Calibration Injections. A step-ratelflowback test and a pumpin/flowback test 40 ,41 conducted in the two sandstones yielded a closure stress of 5,900 psi [40.7 MPa]. Each injection was about 120 bbl [19 m 3 ] of 2 % KCI, with the peak pressure reaching 600 psi [4.1 MPa] above closure. These pump tests were conducted in Dec. 1983. Immediately after the flowback tests, two minifractures 40 ,41 were pumped into Zones 3 and 4 to determine fracture parameters and to observe growth behavior in these lenticular sands. In Minifracture 1, 15,000 gal [57 m 3 ] of 30-lbm [14-kg] linear gel was pumped at 10 bbl/min [1.6 m3/min]. In Minifracture 2, 30,000 gal [114 m 3 ] of 60-lbm [27-kg] linear gel was pumped at 10 bbl/min [1.6 m 3 /min].