We developed a high-resolution fracture productivity calculator to enable fast and accurate evaluation of hydraulic fractures modeled using a fine-scale 2D simulation of material placement. Using an example of channel fracturing treatments, we show how the productivity index, effective fracture conductivity, and skin factor are sensitive to variations in pumping schedule design and pulsing strategy.
We perform fracturing simulations using an advanced high-resolution multiphysics model that includes coupled 2D hydrodynamics with geomechanics (pseudo-3D, or P3D, model), 2D transport of materials with tracking temperature exposure history, in-situ kinetics, and a hindered settling model, which includes the effect of fibers. For all simulated fracturing treatments, we accurately solve a problem of 3D planar fracture closure on heterogenous spatial distribution of solids, estimate 2D profiles of fracture width and stresses applied to proppants, and, as a result, obtain the complex and heterogenous shape of fracture conductivity with highly conductive cells owing to the presence of channels. Then, we also evaluate reservoir fluid inflows from a reservoir to fracture walls and further along a fracture to limited-size wellbore perforations. Solution of a productivity problem at the finest scale allows us to accurately evaluate key productivity characteristics: productivity index, dimensional and dimensionless effective conductivity, skin factor, and folds of increase, as well as the total production rate at any day and for any pressure drawdown in a well during well production life.
We develop a workflow to understand how productivity of a fracture depends on variation of the pumping schedule and facilitate taking appropriate decisions about the best job design. The presented workflow gives insight into how new computationally efficient methods can enable fast, convenient, and accurate evaluation of the material placement design for maximum production with cost-saving channel fracturing technology.