London School of Economics and Political Science and Universität WienWhile absence of arbitrage in frictionless financial markets requires price processes to be semimartingales, non-semimartingales can be used to model prices in an arbitrage-free way, if proportional transaction costs are taken into account. In this paper we show, for a class of price processes which are not necessarily semimartingales, the existence of an optimal trading strategy for utility maximisation under transaction costs by establishing the existence of a so-called shadow price. This is a semimartingale price process, taking values in the bid ask spread, such that frictionless trading for that price process leads to the same optimal strategy and utility as the original problem under transaction costs. Our results combine arguments from convex duality with the stickiness condition introduced by P. Guasoni. They apply in particular to exponential utility and geometric fractional Brownian motion. In this case, the shadow price is an Itô process. As a consequence, we obtain a rather surprising result on the pathwise behaviour of fractional Brownian motion: the trajectories may touch an Itô process in a one-sided manner without reflection.
Introduction.Most of the literature in mathematical finance assumes that discounted prices S = (S t ) 0≤t≤T of risky assets are modelled by semimartingales. In frictionless financial markets, where arbitrary amounts of stock can be bought and sold at the same price S t , the semimartingale assumption is necessary. Otherwise, there would exist "arbitrage opportunities" (see [26], Theorem 7.2 for a precise statement) and optimal strategies for utility maximisation problems would fail to exist or yield infinite expected utility (see [2,40,42]).For non-semimartingale models based on fractional Brownian motion (B H t ) t≥0 such as the fractional Black-Scholes model S t = exp(μt + σ B H t ), where μ ∈ R, σ > 0 and Hurst parameter H ∈ (0, 1) \ {