The isovector electric monopole resonance (IVMR) was studied by the 60 Ni͑ 7 Li, 7 Be͒ 60 Co reaction at 65A MeV and at forward scattering angles including zero degrees. We confirmed the existence of the IVMR at an excitation energy of 20 6 2 MeV with a width of 10 6 2 MeV in 60 Co, which is an analog of the T 0 1 1 isospin component of the IVMR estimated at E x ഠ 31 MeV in 60 Ni. The result presently obtained is consistent with previous results using the pion charge-exchange reaction. PACS numbers: 25.70.Kk, 24.30.Cz, 27.50. + e Isovector resonances ͑DT 1͒ in nuclei are collective motions in which protons oscillate in opposite phase with respect to neutrons. These resonances are also characterized by the electric ͑DS 0͒ and magnetic ͑DS 1͒ modes which correspond to coherent motions of the spin-nonflip and spin-flip oscillations, respectively. Resonances with various multipolarities have been theoretically predicted [1]. Among them, the monopole resonances play a crucial role in astrophysics [2]. Concerning the isoscalar mode ͑DT 0͒, the electric monopole resonance (GMR; DT 0, DS DL 0) has been well established in various inelastic scatterings. The GMR was unambiguously identified due to a sharp enhancement at u L 0 ± [3]. On the other hand, the existence of the isovector electric monopole resonance (IVMR; DT 1, DS DL 0) has been reported only by the pion charge-exchange reaction [4]. The IVMR has also been searched for by using other reaction probes such as electron scattering [5] and the ͑ 13 C, 13 N͒ reaction [6]. Confirmation of the IVMR is, however, still very desirable because of the inconclusive data from these reactions.One of the major reasons for the inconclusive data is due to a difficulty in determining the multipolarity of the resonance. The resonance is, in general, observed as a broad bump riding on a large underlying background mainly caused by a quasielastic scattering. One meets another serious difficulty when one uses hadron reaction probes with spins like ͑p, n͒ and ͑ 3 He, t͒. These reactions allow simultaneous DS 0 and DS 1 excitations, differing from the case of the pion charge-exchange reaction which proceeds only via the DS 0 transition. There is no nuclear probe allowing only the DS 0 excitation. In this respect, the ͑ 13 C, 13 N͒ reaction is expected to be a promising probe for observing isovector electric resonances because of its large Fermi matrix element ͑M F ͞M GT ϳ 5͒ [6]. In this reaction, a resonance has been observed at the relevant excitation energy, but its multipolarity is not consistent with the DL 0 assumption.In the present work, we started with the following question: Can we observe the IVMR reported by the pion charge-exchange reaction? To answer this question, we employed the ͑ 7 Li, 7 Be͒ reaction at 65A MeV on a 60 Ni target which is the target studied by various other ͑n, p͒-like reactions [4,6,7]. The ͑ 7 Li, 7 Be͒ reaction is chosen for the following two reasons. One is that the reaction predominantly proceeds via a one-step process at 65A MeV and at forward an...