Context. In the disk-mediated accretion scenario for the formation of the most massive stars, high densities and accretion rates could induce gravitational instabilities in the disk, forcing it to fragment and produce companion objects. Aims. We investigate the effects of inclination and spatial resolution on observable kinematics and stability of disks in high-mass star formation.Methods. We study a high-resolution 3D radiation-hydrodynamic simulation that leads to the fragmentation of a massive disk. Using RADMC-3D we produce 1.3 mm continuum and CH 3 CN line cubes at different inclinations. The model is set to different distances and synthetic observations are created for ALMA at ∼80 mas resolution and NOEMA at ∼0.3 . Results. The synthetic ALMA observations resolve all fragments and their kinematics well. The synthetic NOEMA observations at 800 pc with linear resolution of ∼300 au are able to resolve the fragments, while at 2000 pc with linear resolution of ∼800 au only a single structure slightly elongated towards the brightest fragment is observed. The position-velocity (PV) plots show the differential rotation of material best in the edge-on views. A discontinuity is seen at a radius of ∼250 au, corresponding to the position of the centrifugal barrier. As the observations become less resolved, the inner high-velocity components of the disk become blended with the envelope and the PV plots resemble rigid-body-like rotation. Protostellar mass estimates from PV plots of poorly resolved observations are therefore overestimated. We fit the emission of CH 3 CN (12 K − 11 K ) lines and produce maps of gas temperature with values in the range of 100-300 K. Studying the Toomre stability of the disks, we find low Q values below the critical value for stability against gravitational collapse at the positions of the fragments and in the arms connecting the fragments for the resolved observations. For the poorly resolved observations we find low Q values in the outskirts of the disk. Therefore, despite not resolving any of the fragments, we are able to predict that the disk is unstable and fragmenting. This conclusion is true regardless of knowledge about the inclination of the disk. Conclusions. These synthetic observations reveal the potential and limitations to study disks in high-mass star formation with current (mm) interferometers. While the extremely high spatial resolution of ALMA reveals extraordinary details, rotational structures and instabilities within accretion disks can also be identified in poorly resolved observations.