DOI: 10.1002/rcs.2245
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Frameless stereotactic brain biopsy: A prospective study on robot‐assisted brain biopsies performed on 32 patients by using the RONNA G4 system

Abstract: Background We present a novel robotic neuronavigation system (RONNA G4), used for precise preoperative planning and frameless neuronavigation, developed by a research group from the University of Zagreb and neurosurgeons from the University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb, Croatia. The aim of study is to provide comprehensive error measurement analysis of the system used for the brain biopsy. Methods Frameless stereotactic robot‐assisted biopsies were performed on 32 consecutive patients. Post‐operative CT and MRI sc… Show more

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Cited by 14 publications
(8 citation statements)
References 54 publications
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“…Naros et al ( 28 ) reported 42 biopsy surgeries using ROSA non-frame robot with an operation time of 25 ± 15 min. In study by Dlaka et al ( 14 ) where brain biopsies with RONNA G4 were conducted ( n = 32), the average operation duration was 64.62 ± 19.05 min substantiating the SINO robot-assisted biopsy procedure is comparable to other existing robots in terms of efficiency with an operation time of 29.36 ± 13.64 min. It should be pointed out that no learning curve was associated with using the SINO surgical robot in this study.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 70%
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“…Naros et al ( 28 ) reported 42 biopsy surgeries using ROSA non-frame robot with an operation time of 25 ± 15 min. In study by Dlaka et al ( 14 ) where brain biopsies with RONNA G4 were conducted ( n = 32), the average operation duration was 64.62 ± 19.05 min substantiating the SINO robot-assisted biopsy procedure is comparable to other existing robots in terms of efficiency with an operation time of 29.36 ± 13.64 min. It should be pointed out that no learning curve was associated with using the SINO surgical robot in this study.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 70%
“…It is widely acknowledged that the efficiency of biopsy of brain lesions is mainly reflected by higher diagnosis yield and shorter operation time. In this regard, asystematic review by Dlaka et al ( 14 ) reported a diagnostic yield ranging from 75 to 100% for robot-assisted stereotactic biopsy ( 14 ). An increasing body of evidence suggests that the diagnostic yield of classic frame-based stereotactic biopsies ranges from 81.3 to 99.2% ( 1 , 13 , 19 26 ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Elsewhere, application of the iSYS-1 robot produced an entry point error of 2 mm (ranging from 0.2 to 3.8 mm) and a target error of 1.06 mm (ranging from 0.1 to 4 mm) in 39 patients ( 9 ), and 1.3 mm (ranging from 0.2 to 2.6 mm) at entry and 0.9 mm (ranging from 0.0 to 3.1 mm) at the target point in 25 patients from another research ( 10 ). Dlaka et al reporting 32 biopsy surgeries by the RONNA G3 robot calculated an entry point error of 1.42 ± 0.74 mm and target point error of 1.95 ± 1.11 mm ( 18 ). In addition, Alice Goia et al reported 44 lead implantations using the ROSA robot for deep brain stimulation surgery, observing target errors of 0.81 ± 0.51 mm on the right and 1.12 ± 0.75 mm on the left ( 19 ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%