“…13-Effective communication systems [16,31,32] 14-Feedback mechanism from employees and other parties [33,34] 15-Planning, monitoring, and controlling mechanism [16,25] 16-Decision-making effectiveness [35,36] 17-Appropriate organizational structure [24,34,37] 18-Implementing an effective safety program [35,[38][39][40] 19-Implementing an effective quality assurance program [41,42] 20-Risk identification and allocation [16,43] 21-Formal dispute resolution process [44,45] 22-Project team motivation [16,25,46] 23-Top management support [16,47] V. Design-Team-Related Factors 24-Design team experience [48,49] 25-Design complexity [49,50] 26-Design errors/mistakes [49][50][51] 27-Design team's contribution to construction (constructability review, value engineering, etc.) [16,52,53] 28-Adequacy of plans and specifications [16,28,46] VI.…”