ResumenEl presente trabajo profundiza en la excelencia universitaria desde, según el incipiente Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), la parte más importante del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje: el estudiante. A lo largo de cinco cursos académicos (2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015)
AbstractThis paper focuses on academic excellence from the point of view of the students, who are the most important teaching-learning element according to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). We identified all candidates eligible for the highest honor qualification in Spanish universities (N = 22) from two degrees. The sample included students from five academic years (2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014)(2015) from the degree in Social Education, and one academic year (2015)(2016) from the degree in Primary Education at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM, Spain). We asked them to produce an essay (egodocument) in which they explained why they should receive this honor. The analysis of the essays were decisive in order to grant