Činjenica je da se na osnovu istorijskih podataka i zapisa, kao i medicinskih dokumenata, za mnoge slavne ličnosti može tvrditi da su bolovale od epilepsije, bolesti drevnog, ali i savremenog doba. Pisci i pesnici, slikari i muzičari, religiozne ličnosti i vojskovođe su pored klasičnih oblika kliničke slike epilepsije ispoljavali i posebnosti ovog oboljenja, naročito vezanih za auru, kao predznak bolesti. Nekima od njih bolest je predata u nasleđe, kod drugih je okidač bio zloupotreba alkohola i psihoaktivnih supstanci, a kod pojedinih uzrok nije mogao biti nađen. Oboleli su bili i stigmatizovani. No, bez obzira na udeo "svete bolesti" u kreativnosti, mudrosti ili čak genijalnosti njenih nosilaca, fascinira činjenica da su poznate ličnosti koje su bolovale od ove bolesti ostavile neprocenjivo nasleđe ljudskom rodu. Ključne reči: epilepsija, slavne ličnosti, religija, muzika, književnost, umetnost Summary: It is a fact that, based on historical data and records, as well as medical documents, many celebrities can be claimed to have suffered from epilepsy, a disease of both the ancient and modern times. Writers and poets, artists and musicians, religious figures and commanders, in addition to traditional forms of epilepsy, displayed the particularities of this disease, especially those associated with the aura, as the sign of the disease. For some of them, it was a hereditary disease, for others alcohol and psychoactive substances were a trigger, and for some, the cause could not be determined. Patients were also stigmatized. However, regardless of the influence of the ``sacred disease`` on creativity, wisdom or even the ingenuity of its holders, it is fascinating that the listed personalities with this disease left a priceless legacy to mankind, and they undoubtedly were chosen.