The aim of this paper is to explain a link between symplectic isotopies of open objects such as balls and flexibility properties of symplectic hypersurfaces. We get connectedness results for spaces of symplectic ellipsoids or maximal packings of P 2 .
IntroductionIn [3], Biran proved a decomposition theorem for rational Kähler manifolds which has proved useful in many situations such as symplectic packings [2, 20], Lagrangian embeddings [4] . . . This paper tries to add symplectic isotopies to this list of applications. In polarized symplectic manifolds -triples (M, ω, Σ) where ω ∈ H 2 (M, Z) and Σ is a symplectic hypersurface Poincaré-dual to a (necessarily positive) multiple kω of the symplectic form -, this decomposition result may be expressed as:Theorem 1 (Biran). In a polarized closed symplectic manifold (M, ω, Σ), there exists a zero-volume closed skeleton in M whose complement is a standard symplectic disc bundle supported by Σ.In fact, polarizations of sufficiently high degree exist on all closed (i.e., compact, without boundary) rational symplectic manifolds [7]. These manifolds split into a standard symplectic part -an explicit disc bundle over Σ -and a negligible skeleton, even isotropic in the Kähler case. Although no kind of uniqueness can be expected (see [3] for a discussion on the skeleton for instance), our next theorem explains how to construct many such decompositions, all of whose symplectic parts are isotopic. In order to state it, let us mention that both M \Σ and the complement of the zero-section L 0 in the symplectic disc bundle SDB(Σ, k) are exact symplectic manifolds, so they admit Liouville forms. In the statement below, λ 0 is a distinguished such form on SDB(Σ, k)\L 0 (see Section 1). Also, by a local embedding of (X, M ) into (Y, N ) -where X ⊂ M and Y ⊂ N -we always mean an 109