Let W be an irreducible complex reflection group acting on its reflection representation V . We consider the doubly graded action of W on the exterior algebra ∧(V ⊕ V * ) as well as its quotientby the ideal generated by its homogeneous Winvariants with vanishing constant term. We describe the bigraded isomorphism type of DRW ; when W = Sn is the symmetric group, the answer is a difference of Kronecker products of hookshaped Sn-modules. We relate the Hilbert series of DRW to the (type A) Catalan and Narayana numbers and describe a standard monomial basis of DRW using a variant of Motzkin paths. Our methods are type-uniform and involve a Lefschetz-like theory which applies to the exterior algebra ∧(V ⊕ V * ).Key words and phrases. coinvariant algebra, fermion, exterior algebra, Lefschetz element. 1 And, in fact, to a wider class of groups G; see Remark 4.5. 2 A commuting variable xi is called bosonic; the power x 2 i corresponds to two indistinguishable bosons in State i.