The various scattering mechanisms induced by dislocations have been reviewed and
adapted to the case of threading dislocations in AlGaN/GaN quantum wells. These
scattering mechanisms can be classified into two categories, the first one issuing
straightforwardly from the dislocation strain field, the other one being due to
the Coulomb potential created by electrons trapped on the energy states that
dislocations may create in the GaN band gap. For the first category of mechanisms
(strain field effects), we indicate that edge dislocations can only be connected with
the so-called deformation potential, the piezoelectric coupling being ruled out
because of the particular geometry of the threading dislocation strain fields. We
show that the dislocation deformation potential can only be responsible for a
very weak, even negligible, effect on the carrier mobility. Then, after a survey of
the various results found in the literature concerning the possible existence of
dislocation energy states we conclude that dislocations are responsible for the
existence of shallow acceptor states below the conduction band and propose a
model for describing the potential associated with such states when filled by
electrons. More particularly, we show that the linear dislocation charge density
resulting from the trapped carriers at dislocation states can not be uniform, as it is
systematically assumed in the literature, and we propose a description of this linear
charge density as a function of the dislocation energy state position and of the
various features characterizing the quantum well. Using the scattering potential
induced by such a spatially-dependent dislocation charge density together with
the usual scattering mechanisms allows us to give an estimation of their effect
on the free carriers’ mobility. We particularly show that at low carrier density
(∼1012 cm−2) the mobility is mainly determined by the combination of dislocation scattering
mechanisms and intrinsic scattering mechanisms. Finally we suggest that our model could
be employed for determining the position of the dislocation energy level in the gap.