A polaron is considered which is bonded on a shallow acceptor near a Ts degenerate valence band edge. With the assumption that the polaron binding energy of the impurity centre is far smaller than the optical phonon limiting energy, an expression is obtained for the effective Hamiltonian of an impurity-phonon system, and the ground and first excited state energy in a number of A"BV' and A"'BV compounds is calculated. A comparison with both, the experiment and results of other papers is also made. It is shown that, if degeneration of the valence band is taken into account, the energy gap between the ground and first excited states becomes considerably lower as compared to the simple hydrogen-like model near a non-degenerate band. PaCCMaTpHBaeTCR IIOJIflpOH, CBfl3aHHbIg H a MeJIKOM aKIIeIITOpe B6JIH3H Kpafl BbIPOXnCHHOg BaJIeHTHOfi 30HbI r s . B IIpeAIIOJIOXeHHH, YTO 3HCPTHfl CBfl3H IIOJIRpOHa H a IIpHMeCHOM UeHTpe HPMHOrO MeHbIIIe 3HeprHH IIpeneJIbHOrO OIITUYeCKOrO @OHOHa, nOJIyYeH0 BbIpaXKeHHe AJIR 3@@eKTHBHOrO TaMHJIbTO-HHaHa IIpUMeCHO-@OHOHHOfi CHCTeMbI B BbIYHCJIeHbl 3HeprUH OCHOBHOrO H IIepBOrO BO36yXneHHOrO COCTOflHUfi B pflne COenHHeHUk A A"' BV. BbInOJIHCHO CpaBHeHHe C pe3yJIbTaTaMU npyrHX pa6OT 3KCIIePHMeHTOM. n O K a 3 a H 0 , YTO yYeT BbIpOXAeHUfl BaJIeHTHOfi 30HbI IIPHBOAUT K CyUeCTBeHHOMy YMeHbIIIeHHK, 3HePreTHYeCKOfi IIIeJIB MeXAy OCHOBHbIM H IIepBbIM B036YXKAeHHbIM COCTORHUflMH no CpaBHeHUIo C IIpOCTOfi BOAOpOAOIIOAO6HOfi MOAeJIbIo B6JII13H HeBbIPOXAeHHOg 30HbI.