Abstract. A generalization of the volume conjecture relates the asymptotic behavior of the colored Jones polynomial of a knot to the Chern-Simons invariant and the Reidemeister torsion of the knot complement associated with a representation of the fundamental group to the special linear group of degree two over complex numbers. If the knot is hyperbolic, the representation can be regarded as a deformation of the holonomy representation that determines the complete hyperbolic structure. In this article we study a similar phenomenon when the knot is a twice-iterated torus knot. In this case, the asymptotic expansion of the colored Jones polynomial splits into sums and each summand is related to the Chern-Simons invariant and the Reidemeister torsion associated with a representation.Let J N (K; q) ∈ Z[q, q −1 ] be the colored Jones polynomial of a knot K in the three-sphere S 3 associated with the irreducible N -dimensional representation of the Lie algebra sl 2 (C) [14,19]. We normalize it so that J N (unknot; q) = 1. Note that J 2 (K; q) is the original Jones polynomial. R. Kashaev conjectured [16] that his knot invariant K N ∈ C introduced in [15] would grow exponentially with growth rate the volume of the knot complement S 3 \ K when the integer parameter N goes to the infinity if the knot K is hyperbolic. J. Murakami and the author [34] proved that Kashaev's invariant coincides with J N K; exp(2π √ −1/N ) and generalized Kashaev's conjecture to general knots.