Dynamical mean field theory is used to study the quantum critical point (QCP) in the doped Hubbard model on a square lattice. The QCP is characterized by a universal scaling form of the self energy and a spin density wave instability at an incommensurate wave vector. The scaling form unifies the low energy kink and the high energy waterfall feature in the spectral function, while the spin dynamics includes both the critical incommensurate and high energy antiferromagnetic paramagnons. We use the frequency dependent four-point correlation function of spin operators to calculate the momentum dependent correction to the electron self energy. By comparing with the calculations based on Spin-Fermion model, our results indicate the frequency dependence of the the quasiparitcle-paramagnon vertices is an important factor to capture the momentum dependence in quasiparticle scattering.Introduction. The interplay between quasiparticles and bosonic collective modes, in particular in the proximity of a quantum critical point (QCP) 1,2 , is believed to be a driving force behind the rich phase diagram of many correlated electronic systems 3-5 . This paper explores the connection between the quasiparticles and collective modes in a doped antiferromagnet within the framework of local dynamical mean field theory (DMFT)6 . It is known that local DMFT is not fully capable of addressing the effects of non-local correlation, which are particularly important for the critical phenomena in low-dimensional system. In this paper, however, we aim to investigate to what extent local DMFT can depict the spin fluctuations in a strongly correlated system and the possibility to construct the non-local effects from local DMFT. In fact, the formalism for two-particle response functions, although proposed in the early stage of DMFT 6 , has not been well explored to study the dynamical properties of two-particle fluctuations. Recently, an approach based on this formalism and random phase approximation (RPA) has gained success in describing the magnetic excitations in iron pnictides [7][8][9] . In this work, we make a step beyond the RPA approach by taking full account of the frequency dependence of the vertex functions, and compute the momentum dependence of excitation energy and damping rate of spin fluctuations, in hope of providing insight and guidance in interpreting the spectra of correlated materials from neutron and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering measurements (RIXS) [10][11][12][13][14][15][16] . With the two-dimensional Hubbard model as a working example, we use the vertex functions to calculate the non-local correction to the single electron self energy in the leading order of quasiparticle-paramagnon interaction. We show that the leading order correction reproduces the momentum-dependent feature that emerges from self-consistent calculation in cluster extensions of DMFT [17][18][19] . We also compare it with the non-local correction obtained by the phenomenological approach based on the Spin-Fermion (SF) model 20,21 where the vertice...