Molecular dynamics simulations show that the desolvation rates of isotopes of Li + , K + , Rb + , Ca 2+ , Sr 2+ , and Ba 2+ may have a relatively strong dependence on the metal cation mass. This inference is based on the observation that the exchange rate constant, k wex , for water molecules in the first hydration shell follows an inverse power-law mass dependence (k wex ∝ m −γ ), where the coefficient γ is 0.05 ± 0.01 on average for all cations studied. Simulated waterexchange rates increase with temperature and decrease with increasing isotopic mass for each element. The magnitude of the water-exchange rate is different for simulations run using different water models [i.e., extended simple point charge (SPC/E) vs. four-site transferrable intermolecular potential (TIP4P)]; however, the value of the mass exponent γ is the same. Reaction rate theory calculations predict mass exponents consistent with those determined via molecular dynamics simulations. The simulation-derived mass dependences imply that solids precipitating from aqueous solution under kinetically controlled conditions should be enriched in the light isotopes of the metal cations relative to the solutions, consistent with measured isotopic signatures in natural materials and laboratory experiments. Desolvation effects are large enough that they may be a primary determinant of the observed isotopic fractionation during precipitation.aqueous geochemistry | kinetic isotope effect | ligand exchange N onequilibrium processes are generally recognized as important influences on isotopic fractionation during mineral precipitation, especially at temperatures below a few hundred degrees Celsius (1, 2). Recent work in "nontraditional" stable isotopes (Li, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cd, Cu, etc.) has confirmed this inference and shown that nonequilibrium fractionation must be accounted for to understand global biogeochemical cycles involving these elements (2-5). A key observation is that light isotopes are preferentially incorporated into precipitating solids (6-8)-the opposite direction of enrichment expected for equilibrium fractionation, which depends on bond energetics (9, 10). The origin of this nonequilibrium light-isotope enrichment is a key unknown in the isotopic geochemistry of mineral growth.Calcite grown from aqueous solutions provides an excellent illustration of light-isotope enrichment during precipitation. Synthetically precipitated and natural samples of calcite and aragonite are fractionated relative to aqueous Ca 2+ such that δ 44/40 Ca in calcite is lower by 0.5-2‰ (7, 11). Equilibrium Ca isotope fractionation between Ca 2+ (aq) and calcite has not been measured in the laboratory, but studies of deep-sea sedimentary pore fluids suggest that the equilibrium fractionation is negligible: ε eq ∼ 0.0 ± 0.1‰ (12). Growth of calcite from seawater-like aqueous solutions is not likely to be diffusion-limited for Ca, so the isotopic effects are inferred to be due to kinetic effects occurring at the solid/fluid interface (11, 13). Diffusion in liquid water can r...