We have used computer simulation to study the collapse of a hydrophobic chain in water. We find that the mechanism of collapse is much like that of a first-order phase transition. The evaporation of water in the vicinity of the polymer provides the driving force for collapse, and the rate limiting step is the nucleation of a sufficiently large vapor bubble. The study is made possible through the application of transition path sampling and a coarse-grained treatment of liquid water. Relevance of our findings to understanding the folding and assembly of proteins is discussed.F or nearly a half-century, hydrophobic interactions have been considered the primary cause for self assembly in soft matter, and a major source of stability in biophysical assembly (1, 2). Studying these interactions in perhaps their most basic form, we use computer simulations to demonstrate the mechanism for the collapse of a hydrophobic polymer in water. We show that solvent fluctuations induce the transition from the extended coil to the collapsed globule state, where a vapor bubble of sufficient size is formed to envelop and thereby stabilize a critical nucleus of hydrophobic units. This mechanism is different from that usually considered, where coil to globule transitions are attributed to effective interactions between pairs of chain segments and a change in sign of second virial coefficient (3). Rather, the mechanism we find is evocative of the n-cluster model, where hydrophobic collapse is produced by solvent-induced interactions between a relatively large cluster of segments (4).As expected from earlier work on the equilibrium theory of hydrophobicity (5), we find that the solvent length scales pertinent to hydrophobic collapse extend over nanometers. We also find that pertinent time scales extend beyond nanoseconds. Given these molecularly large lengths and times, it is understandable that no work before this has provided statistically meaningful computer simulations of the process. Our use of a statistical field model of water allows us to simulate solvent dynamics over large length and time scales that would be impractical to study with purely atomistic simulation. Spatially complex small length-scale fluctuations are analytically integrated out, thus removing the most computationally costly features from our simulation. Their integration can be performed at the outset because their relaxation is relatively fast (6) and their statistics is essentially Gaussian (7). Only the polymer degrees of freedom and a coarse-grained density field remain. The equilibrium theory for this approach has been detailed in an earlier paper (8). Here, we use a version of the model that is suitably generalized for dynamical applications.By ''small length'' we refer to distances smaller than l Ϸ 0.3 nm. In the absence of any strong perturbation, such as those that can occur close to a solute, these small length-scale fluctuations are the only fluctuations of significance. Larger length-scale fluctuations are generally insignificant in water at ambient ...