We report results obtained with the first complete event generator for electroweak baryon and lepton number violating interactions at supercolliders. Typical events contain of the order of 50 electroweak gauge bosons, some Higgs bosons and quarks and leptons of all generations. There is still great uncertainty about the expected rate, but an event generator is needed in any case to establish what experimental limits can be placed on the cross section, and to determine whether, even if such spectacular events are seen, baryon and/or lepton number violation can be conclusively demonstrated. We find that baryon number violation would be very difficult to establish, but lepton number violation can be seen provided at least a few hundred L violating events are available with good electron or muon identification in the energy range 10 GeV to 1 TeV. The event generator, which takes the form of a package (HERBVI) interfacing to the existing simulation program HERWIG, should be useful for the coming period of detailed experiment design for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.