While lattice models are used extensively for macromolecules (synthetic polymers proteins, etc), calculation of the absolute entropy, S, and the free energy, F, from a given Monte Carlo (MC) trajectory is not straightforward. Recently we have developed the hypothetical scanning MC (HSMC) method for calculating S and F of fluids. Here we extend HSMC to self-avoiding walks on a square lattice and discuss its wide applicability to complex polymer lattice models. HSMC is independent of existing techniques and thus constitutes an independent research tool; it provides rigorous upper and lower bounds for F, which can be obtained from a very small sample and even from a single chain conformation.Lattice models have been utilized to study a wide range of phenomena in polymer physics [1][2][3][4][5] as well as in structural biology, mainly related to protein folding and stability [6-9] (Refs 1-9 constitute a very limited representation of hundreds of papers published in the last 15 years). Because of their simplicity these models have been invaluable tools for understanding global properties that do not depend strongly on molecular details. Such models vary in complexity, ranging from self-avoiding walks on a square lattice to chain models on enriched 3D lattices with a large effective coordination number.Commonly, these systems are simulated by variants of Metropolis Monte Carlo (MC) -a dynamical method that enables one to generate samples of chain configurations i distributed according to their Boltzmann probability, P i B , from which equilibrium information can be extracted [10]. Using MC it is straightforward to calculate properties that are measured directly from i, such as the potential energy E i . On the other hand, the value of P i B cannot be obtained in a straightforward manner, which makes it difficult to calculate the absolute entropy, S ~ -lnP i B directly, i.e., as a byproduct of the simulation (like E i ). There is a strong interest in S as a measure of order and as an essential ingredient of the free energy, F=E−TS, where T is the absolute temperature; F constitutes the criterion of stability, which is mandatory in structure determination of proteins, for example. Furthermore, because MC simulations constitute models for dynamical processes, one would seek to calculate changes in F and S during a relaxation process, by assuming local equilibrium in certain parts along the MC trajectory; a classic example is simulation of protein folding [11].S, and F are commonly calculated by thermodynamic integration (TI) techniques [12][13][14] that do not operate on a given MC sample but requires conducting a separate set of MC simulations. This is a robust approach that enables one to calculate differences, ΔS ab and ΔF ab , between two states a and b of a system; however, if the structural variance of such states is large (e.g., helical and hairpin states of a polypeptide) the integration from state a to b becomes difficult *Corresponding author