We report quantum dots fabricated on very shallow 2-dimensional electron gases, only 30 nm below the surface, in undoped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostuctures grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Due to the absence of dopants, an improvement of more than one order of magnitude in mobility (at 2×10 11 cm −2 ) with respect to doped heterostructures with similar depths is observed. These undoped wafers can easily be gated with surface metallic gates patterned by e-beam lithography, as demonstrated here from single-level transport through a quantum dot showing large charging energies (up to 1.75 meV) and excited state energies (up to 0.5 meV).Electrostatically-defined quantum dots fabricated on high-mobility GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure have been − and continue to be − invaluable in many fundamental investigations, e.g. Kondo physics and spin-based solid-state qubits. Unfortunately, the characteristics of these devices are extremely sensitive to seemingly random charge fluctuations in their local electrostatic potential, commonly known as Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) noise, or charge noise. Although one can perform a biased cooling 1,2 or a thermal cure 3 to attempt to drastically reduce the levels of charge noise on a given device, results from both techniques vary from device to device.Quantum dots fabricated in shallow two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) have two advantages over their deeper cousins. First, finer features can be transferred from the surface metallic gates to the 2DEG. Second, the energy scales of the dot levels tends to be larger, which enable operation at higher temperatures. However, shallow 2DEG depths (as little as 20 nm below the surface) come at the expense of mobility.4-14 Furthermore, the dopant layer may partially screen surface gates (through hopping conduction) and/or facilitate gate leakage, rendering many such wafers ungateable by surface metallic gates. The ungateability of some doped wafers is not only restricted to shallow 2DEGs, but also can occur in high-mobility doped wafers.
15-17The limitations described above can be circumvented or mitigated by using undoped heterostructures in different field-effect transistor (FET) geometries such as the SISFET 18-22 (semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor), the MISFET 23-25 (metal-insulator-semiconductor), or the HIGFET 26 (heterostructure-insulator-gate). Since there are no intentional dopants, the 2DEG can be brought much closer to the surface without sacrificing mobility. Furthermore, undoped quantum dots would not suffer from one possible source of charge noise: electrons hopping between dopant sites in AlGaAs. In doped wafers, intentional dopants typically outnumber unintentional dopants 10,000 to 1 (depending on mobility). Finally, undoped quantum dots may also interact with fewer undesirable impurities in the vicinity and are far more reproducible upon thermal cycling than their doped counterparts.27 In this Letter, we compare ultra-shallow undoped and doped GaAs/AlGaAs 2DEGs, and demonstrate gated quantum dots on ultra-shallow undoped heter...