Este artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que a publicação original seja corretamente citada. ABSTRACT AIMS: To evaluate the applicability of a virtual reality-based motion sensor for post-stroke upper limb rehabilitation. CASES DESCRIPTION: Three post-stroke patients were subjected to virtual reality training for rehabilitation of their upper limbs using the Leap Motion Controller technology and the game Playground 3D ® for 3 consecutive days. On the first and last days, the Box and Blocks test, the De Melo Eye-Hand Coordination Test, and transcranial magnetic stimulation were applied. On the last day, the patients were evaluated with the Experience Evaluation Form. After the proposed training, a lower motor threshold was observed in both cerebral hemispheres, as well as better performance in the tests that evaluated hand and eye-hand coordination skills. The proposed therapy was well received by the patients. CONCLUSIONS: No adverse effects were observed, and promising and precise results were obtained for the virtual reality-based training using the Leap Motion Controller and Playground 3D ® . The training allowed patients to have an active role in the rehabilitation of strokeinduced upper limb sequelae.