We show that the subspace A n (X) of the free Abelian topological group A(X) on a Tychonoff space X is locally compact for each n € u> if and only if A2(X) is locally compact if and only if ^( X ) is locally compact if and only if X is the topological sum of a compact space and a discrete space. It is also proved that the subspace F n (X) of the free topological group F(X) is locally compact for each n G w if and only if Fn(X) is locally compact if and only if F n (X) has pointwise countable type for each n e w i f and only if F^{X) has pointwise countable type if and only if X is either compact or discrete, thus refining a result by Pestov and Yamada. We further show that A n {X) has pointwise countable type for each n € w if and only if A2(X) has pointwise countable type if and only if •FM-Y) has pointwise countable type if and only if there exists a compact set C of countable character in X such that the complement X \ C is discrete. Finally, we show that Fi(X) is locally compact if and only if F3(X) is locally compact, and that Fz(X) has pointwise countable type if and only if F$(X) has pointwise countable type.